Author: Suparna B.
Suparna is a brilliant aspiring social entrepreneur. Her idea focus on the opportunity to produce – and commercialise from India to Germany – kitchen furniture that are made from leafs and other recycled material. Her idea has a very robust social connotation: the idea tackles sustainability from many different angles, being the very product commercialised by her firm a perfect replacement for plastic, but also due to the fact that the processing of raw materials plays a huge part for women’s employment and socio-economic emancipation of India from where she’s from. Even before meeting with ESSEI’s team. Suparna conducted an in-depth market analysis, and found out that in Europe there is a huge margin of potential for the commercialisation of such products. The market is currently occupied by two firms only, one established in Germany and the other in Sweden. For now her target country in Germany, where she currently lives, and which she assumes as a test-ground for further expansion in central north Europe.Project number: 2019-1-FR01-KA202-062219

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